Name: Tess Franscioni - Admission Counselor
Hometown: Monterey, CA
Alma Mater: ÃÛÌÒÉç of America, '23


What's a fun fact about you? 
I am a legacy at ÃÛÌÒÉç. My mom was in the class of '85 and I actually got assigned her same dorm my freshman year.

What drew you to Washington, D.C. and The ÃÛÌÒÉç?
I loved all of the opportunities that the city had to offer both as a student entering the professional world and as a way to experience new things ()

What is your favorite ÃÛÌÒÉç tradition?
The Catholic U Orientation Program. I loved it so much freshman year that I served on the staff for the next three! I met some of my best friends at orientation. The program was definitely one of the highlights of my college experience.

Any words of advice for incoming ÃÛÌÒÉç students?
Make the most out of your college experience and participate in as much as you can. Join clubs, go to campus events, and explore the city.